Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Just"...A Beginning

   I was young..just starting to sort out my life, my faith, and where things would lead me. The church I was attending asked me to consider volunteering in their children's ministry. Concern struck me at once..I wasn't prepared..I didn't know can I share what I am not sure I understand. Let me just say, I do not recall what I was wearing or the color of the carpet..or even very much of the conversation, but there is a part of that conversation burned into my mind that haunts me to this is just the nursery.
   Over the years of serving and loving my Lord, that particular phrase has reared its ugly is just... God has used that conversation and that reoccurring phrase to spur me on over the years..because the reality Him..nothing is just. It isn't just a nursery, or a home visit, or serving a meal. It isn't just singing, or praying, or even a hospital visit. It isn't just vacuuming a floor or scrubbing a toilet. It is something so much more.
   When I accepted that time in the nursery those many years ago it was a serious step for me and a definite time of growth. Those moments in the room with precious souls was an open opportunity to share God's grace and love and abundant mercy. I was giving worn out parents time to refresh and renew..I was giving children love and affection and compassion. There were days I walked the floor with a fussy baby so that a mother could attend service and find the grace to face the afternoon. Rocking a baby and changing a diaper isn't the only purpose though.
   My heart churned with deep desire to teach and to share. During the week my mind would race with ideas and notions to share with the little ones. Plastic fruits to touch and see..learning God made these wonderful things for us and gave us the eyes to see them and hands to touch them. Little stuffed animals to talk of His creation and their relationship to us. Every week I served totes of 'stuff' came along with new items to learn 'object lesson' for little minds to grasp. These efforts did not always meet with favor, but my obedience to my Lord is so much more important to me than the opinions of others.
   The nursery was only the beginning. I have cleaned the church, gone on mission/ministry trips, sang at convalescent homes and taught Bible studies. With each opportunity God has granted me, He also granted me the conviction that it is never 'just' is His divine opportunity..and it should not be wasted.
   During the past few months God has been working on my heart restoring my gift from Him..teaching. With this renewing came a deep burden to share my journey, my heart, and my process. I hope you will join me weekly as I dig deep into my 'tote bag' and pull out the tid-bits and lessons learned along the way. In addition, I invite you to share your heart as well..share your projects, ideas, and experiences..we are all in this together..and learning from each other is a wonderful gift.

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